How To Manage and Prevent Sun-Related Breakouts

How To Manage and Prevent Sun-Related Breakouts

Published by Jil Goorman on Apr 15th 2024

The summer is an important season to carefully protect your skin. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation expedites inflammation in the skin, damages the skin cells, and triggers acne.

Constant exposure to direct sunlight, humidity, and high temperatures without a thorough skin-care regimen is a breakout waiting to happen. The dry skin responds by producing more oil, leaving behind dead skin cells and clogging pores.

The skin and the sun have an intricate relationship. If you’re ready to manage and prevent bothersome sun-related breakouts, use the practical tips below.

Apply Sunscreen Properly

Optimal protection begins by correctly applying sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes before stepping outside. This allows the sunscreen to fully bind to the skin, forming a protective barrier against harmful UV rays. Ensure you apply a generous layer to all exposed areas of the skin.

Remember, sunscreen isn’t just a one-time application for the day. Reapply your sunscreen every two hours, especially if you’re sweating heavily or after swimming, even if the product is water-resistant. This reapplication is key to maintaining uninterrupted protection from the sun and keeping your skin shielded from potential breakout triggers.

Use Acne-Safe Sunscreen

Non-comedogenic sunscreen provides sun protection without clogging the pores. Unlike conventional sunscreens that might contain ingredients contributing to clogged pores, non-comedogenic versions minimize the risk of breakouts.

The key difference in non-comedogenic sunscreens is they avoid ingredients like oils that can exacerbate skin congestion. Instead, these sunscreens may contain physical blockers like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide to reflect UV rays. These ingredients are less likely to irritate or penetrate the skin deeply enough to clog pores.

Furthermore, many acne-safe sunscreens contain soothing and skin-benefiting ingredients like aloe vera or vitamin E. They calm inflammation and promote a healthier complexion. Making this switch is essential to manage existing acne and prevent further breakouts when going into the sun.

Cleanse the Skin After Sun Exposure

Prolonged sun exposure causes sweat, sunscreen, and environmental pollutants to accumulate on your skin. Bacteria thrive, and the pores become clogged. Before you know it, pimples appear all over the skin.

Counteract the risks of sun and hot weather by using a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser. These products remove impurities without stripping the skin of its natural oils.

Remember that the goal is to keep the skin clean, balanced, and free from irritants. Cleaning the skin thoroughly and promptly after sun exposure is essential for warding off breakouts.

Incorporate Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a well-known acne treatment that works by killing acne-causing bacteria, unclogging pores, and reducing inflammation. When used in conjunction with non-comedogenic sunscreens and after-sun care, benzoyl peroxide can significantly improve skin clarity.

Start with a lower concentration product to gauge how your skin responds, as benzoyl peroxide can be drying. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas once a day, preferably at night, after cleansing the skin.

Don’t forget that benzoyl peroxide can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. Therefore, always apply a generous amount of non-comedogenic sunscreen during the day. You’ll have everything you need to effectively target and prevent various types of breakouts for a clear complexion.

Use a Lightweight Moisturizer

After spending time in the sun, the skin may become dehydrated and damaged by UV rays. You’ll notice that it’s more susceptible to breakouts and irritation. Look for moisturizers that contain hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe vera, and other nourishing ingredients that soothe and hydrate the skin without leaving a heavy residue behind.

Lightweight moisturizers also aid in the repair and recovery process from sun damage. Sunburn or even mild sun exposure can lead to inflammation and breakdown of the skin barrier, making the skin more vulnerable to environmental stressors and acne-causing bacteria. This repair process is crucial for preventing future breakouts and maintaining the skin’s overall health and resilience against daily stressors.

The long-term advantages of lightweight moisturizers stand out. Consistent application on acne-prone skin maintains a balanced and hydrated environment for your skin to flourish. Acne spots, oily areas, irritation, and redness will gradually become a concern of the past as you proactively treat the drying effects of the sun by moisturizing.

Avoid Touching and Picking at Your Face

Cleansers, moisturizers, and acne-safe sunscreens aren’t the only treatments available. One of the most common approaches that worsens breakouts is touching and picking pimples.

It’s tempting! However, this action increases the likelihood of sun-induced breakouts.

Throughout the day, your hands encounter bacteria, dirt, and oil. Touching your face instantly transfers all contaminants to your skin. Now, you’re at a higher risk of clogged pores and inflammation.

Moreover, picking at blemishes hinders the healing process and increases acne scarring. After long, hot days spent outside, refrain from touching or picking at acne to limit exposure to dreaded inflammation and breakouts. You’ll notice an immense difference in the frequency of your breakouts by eliminating this bad habit.

Stay Hydrated for Acne Recovery

An often overlooked but vital part of combating sun-related breakouts and encouraging acne recovery is staying well-hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps your skin maintain its moisture balance and aids in the detoxification process. When you properly hydrate, your body can more effectively flush out the toxins, excess oils, and impurities that contribute to acne formation.

Furthermore, water intake ensures that the skin remains elastic and supple. This reduces the likelihood of pores becoming clogged with dead skin cells. Adequate hydration also cools the body and regulates temperature. With less sweating and accumulation of oils and bacteria, the skin becomes less prone to the effects of the sun.

Schedule an Online Skin-Care Consultation

Receiving specialized skin care is more accessible than ever, thanks to virtual acne consultations. If you’re concerned about managing and preventing sun-related breakouts, sign up for a consultation with one of Jil Goorman Beauty’s experienced aestheticians.

After filling out a form and sending in photos of your skin, you’ll have your first online appointment. An esthetician from our clinic will analyze your skin, discuss acne triggers, and more. Before you know it, you will have a sunscreen for sensitive acne-prone skin as well as a customized skin-care regimen.

But the process doesn’t stop there! The appointments continue until you love your clear skin. Remain diligent with our esthetician-recommended regimen, and all breakouts will become concerns of the past.

How To Manage and Prevent Sun-Related Breakouts