The Perfect Skincare Routine for New Moms

The Perfect Skincare Routine for New Moms

Published by Jil Goorman on May 31st 2022

Between caring for an infant and attempting to get a few hours or minutes of rest, you probably don’t have much time to keep up with skincare. Although you must adjust your daily routine to care for your baby, you shouldn’t sacrifice your skincare routine. However, that doesn’t mean you have to spend an hour applying a ton of products. The perfect skincare routine for new moms is short, sweet, and to the point!

Cleansing Is a Necessity

A cleanser is a non-negotiable step in any skincare regimen because it will clear your skin of dirt, oil, makeup, and dead skin cells. While a gel or foam cleanser is best, you can use micellar water or another non-rinse formula to save some time.

Apply a Toner

Toners work to further eliminate impurities from your skin, balance your skin tone, and make you feel refreshed. Although some people don’t see the value in using a toner, it’s a quick step that helps keep your skin in excellent condition. Apply it to your skin using a cotton ball, and let it air dry before moving to the next step.

Hydrating Serum

You can expect to lose out on plenty of sleep as a new mom, and it can make your skin appear dry, tired, and dull. Using a few drops of hydrating serum twice each day can keep your face vibrant and hydrated. Use your hands to spread a light layer of serum over your face, and continue with the next step.

Under-Eye Cream

Your shortage of sleep might cause dark circles under your eyes, and an under-eye cream can help. However, this step is optional, and you can skip it to save time if necessary. Applying under-eye cream works best at night because your skin is more receptive to treatments and moisturizers.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!

The perfect skincare routine for new moms should always end with moisturizer, no matter how you choose to shape the rest of your regimen. After giving birth, your skin is most likely drier than usual, so providing your face with ample hydration is incredibly important.

Pro Tip: Heavier, cream-based products work well to combat extra dry skin!

Taking care of your skin is one of the best things you can do for yourself as a new mom. If you’re unsure how to start, Jil Goorman Beauty offers an online skincare consultation to help you get the best products for your unique skin concerns. Although your time is limited, maintaining beautiful skin helps you stay confident and saves you time applying makeup.