What Is the Best Way to Apply Blush to Acne-Prone Skin?

What Is the Best Way to Apply Blush to Acne-Prone Skin?

Published by Jil Goorman on Sep 3rd 2021

For most people with acne-prone skin, their relationship with makeup stems from love and hate. While makeup can offer high coverage that masks some of your more noticeable pimples, the wrong products can also clog your pores and make your skin even worse. Perhaps the most intimidating makeup product to apply to acne-prone skin is blush.

With so much natural skin redness and irradiation, how do you wear blush without drawing attention to your acne? How do you prevent your blush from worsening your acne? What is the best way to apply blush to acne-prone skin?

We’re here to answer these frustrating questions. Continue reading our blog below to learn our tricks for applying blush to acne-prone skin.

Start With Non-Comedogenic Foundation

Before applying blush to your skin, start with a non-comedogenic foundation. While certain foundations may have extremely high coverage, these products commonly contain ingredients that clog your pores and create future breakouts. Apart from the damage that makeup does to your pores, these high coverage foundations can often look caked on when you apply multiple layers of makeup.

Instead, after cleansing and preparing your skin, apply an acne-safe foundation that evens out the shade of your skin without clogging your pores.

Try Color Correctors

If you have naturally reactive skin or skin with intensely pink and red undertones, evening out your skin’s shade is more challenging.

While blush can add a shimmering, youthful glow to your appearance, many people avoid this cosmetic product when they assume their natural undertones are already too bright. However, using non-comedogenic color-correcting products is highly effective for balancing your skin tone.

Color correctors use pigments in their formula to balance the natural hues of your skin. For example, those with naturally red undertones can apply green color corrector cream to their face to even out their skin’s color. However, avoid color-correcting products that do not list non-comedogenic ingredients in their formulas.

Use Non-Comedogenic Blush

Many people don’t realize that most blush products sold in drug stores and even high-end makeup markets contain some of the most skin-irritating formulas. Since blushes use pink, red, and other warm tone pigments, these color additives can often lead to skin irritations and clogged pores.

Acne-safe blushes with non-comedogenic formulas are the best products to apply to sensitive skin. These improved formulas will add beautiful, warm pigments to your face without risking the health of your skin. 

We hope our guide to understanding the best way to apply blush to acne-prone skin is helpful. Here at Jil Goorman Beauty, we offer blush for acne and oily skin. Our formulas are non-comedogenic and give you the acne-safe and gorgeous glow you desire.

Check out our Jil Goorman Beauty website to browse our other acne-safe products.