Bacterial vs Fungal Acne: Identifying the Difference

Bacterial vs Fungal Acne: Identifying the Difference

Published by Jil Goorman on Sep 6th 2023

Pimples frequently appear on the face, neck, and back. But did you know there is more than one type of acne?

It’s important to know the differences between bacterial and fungal acne. Continue reading to identify the distinctions so that you can better care for your skin.

What Is Bacterial Acne?

Bacterial acne, or acne vulgaris, is your common blackheads, whiteheads, nodules, and cystic acne. Pores become clogged with dead skin cells and sebum from time to time. When the body tries to fight off this threat, it creates an inflamed spot on the skin resulting in a pimple.

It’s possible to develop bacterial acne from every age. It can occur due to hormonal changes, poor skin care, and some medications.

What Is Fungal Acne?

Fungal acne occurs when the fungus Malassezia yeast infects the hair follicles. Yeast is always present on the skin. However, some skin types can produce too much. When this happens, yeast seep into hair follicles.

Individuals who live in humid climates, sweat excessively, wear tight clothing often, or use many oil-based skin products are more likely to develop fungal acne.

The red bumps appear in uniform clusters and will feel itchy. Areas like the forehead, hairline, upper chest, and back produce excessive yeast. They are popular spots for these red, rash-like bumps.

How Can You Treat Both Conditions?

Fungal and bacterial acne are quite different. It’s necessary to identify the type of acne you have with the help of a dermatologist first. Continuously using anti-acne treatments on fungal acne can worsen the red, itchy bumps.

In many cases, fungal acne requires antifungal medication to eliminate the infection. Dermatologists may also recommend a topical treatment to reduce redness and itching sensations.

Using an acne kit for dry skin will help resolve bacterial acne. Products including a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and exfoliating serum will work together to eliminate acne spots. The kit will take time to work, but stick to it. You’ll watch your skin become clearer with every day that passes.