How Daily Sunscreen Can Improve Your Acne

How Daily Sunscreen Can Improve Your Acne

Published by Jil Goorman on Sep 21st 2022

When it comes to the reasons people don't wear sunscreen on their face daily, the excuses are endless. Whether you believe it'll make you break out or claim the sun isn't even out, you should know that everyone can benefit from a daily SPF product. There's nothing worse than sun damage on your face, and knowing how daily sunscreen can improve your acne is a surefire way to convince you to apply SPF every day.

Sunscreen Helps Correct and Prevent Hyperpigmentation

Excessive sun exposure can cause hyperpigmentation, but wearing sunscreen helps reduce the appearance and overall occurrence of discoloration. Furthermore, if you experience frequent breakouts, you may also have unwanted acne scars that can worsen in appearance with exposure to UV rays. Using a daily SPF helps prevent dark spots and reduces discoloration on your face.

Your Skin's Natural Barrier Needs Protection From Sun Damage

Sun exposure can damage your skin's natural barrier, resulting in dryness, flakiness, and irritation. While it may dry up your acne, excessive dryness prompts your body to produce an abundance of oil to compensate. This excess oil can cause more breakouts since your skin is already vulnerable to the sun. Fortunately, wearing sunscreen daily can reduce the chances of damaging your skin's natural barrier, which in turn can help reduce breakouts.

Zinc Oxide Is Good for Your Skin

Many people believe sunscreen will make them break out, but that's not entirely true. In fact, many SPF formulas contain zinc oxide, which actually helps fight acne. Believe it or not, zinc oxide may actually have the same acne-fighting effect as benzoyl peroxide without the dryness and irritation. Before purchasing or using an SPF product, be sure it lists zinc oxide as a primary ingredient rather than other chemical ingredients.

Acne Can Worsen With Free Radical Exposure

UV rays from the sun cause free radical damage to your skin, which can lead to increased inflammation. Because acne is already an inflammatory skin condition, free radical damage is likely to worsen your skin condition. With that in mind, using sunscreen for sensitive, acne-prone skin every day—even if it's overcast—is the best way to protect your face from excessive free radical damage.

Even if you thought using sunscreen would lead to breakouts, understanding how sunscreen can improve your acne is imperative for your skin’s health. Be sure to look for a nourishing product that states it is non-comedogenic, meaning it won’t clog your pores or cause acne. Whether you wear makeup or not, you should make SPF a staple in your daily skincare routine.